

In 2018-2019 40 reports were delivered at international conferences in Russia, the USA, Mexico, Bulgaria, Spain, the Czech Republic, Poland, China, and Japan: 

  1. TMSMeeting (San Antonio, USA, 10-14 March 2019). Paper title: Structural, phase and geometrical heterogeneity in metallic materials processed by severe plastic deformation. (authors: Zhilyaev A.P., Cabrera J.M., Langdon T.G.). Speaker: Zhilyaev A.P. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  2. All-Russian Conference-School with an International Participation “Electronic, Spin and Quantum Processes in Molecular and Crystalline Systems” (Ufa, Russia, 22-25 May 2019).Paper title: Heterostructural materials produced by severe plastic deformation (author: Zhilyaev A.P.). Speaker: Zhilyaev A.P. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  3. XVI International Congress “Machines, Technologies, Materials 2019”, Winter Session (Borovets, Bulgaria, 13-16 March 2019). Paper title: Features of structure formation and mechanical behavior of metallic materials under conditions of application of gradient deformations (authors: Raab A.G., Zhilyaev A.P., Kodirov I.S., Aleshin G.N.). Speaker: Raab A.G. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  4. XVI International Congress “Machines, Technologies, Materials 2019”, Winter Session (Borovets, Bulgaria, 13-16 March 2019). Paper title: Gradient structure and methods for their preparation (authors: Raab G.I., Raab A.G., Zhilyaev A.P.). Speaker: Raab G.I. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  5. 22ndInternational Conference on Material Forming ESAFORM 2019 (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, 8-10 May 2019). Paper title: Interface shear strain of 1050/6061 laminated composite processed by asymmetric accumulative roll bonding (authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O.). Speaker: Pesin A.M. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  6. 22ndInternational Conference on Material Forming ESAFORM 2019 (Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain, 8-10 May 2019). Paper title: FEM simulation of strain gradients induced in metal sheets by special rolling techniques (authors: Pustovoytov D.O., Pesin A.M.). Speaker: Pustovoytov D.O. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  7. 28th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials - METAL 2019 (Brno, Czech Republic, 22-24 May 2019). Paper title: FEM simulation of strain distribution through thickness of multilayered metal composite processed by asymmetric accumulative roll bonding (authors: Lokotunina N.M., Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Grachev D.V.). Speaker: Lokotunina N.M. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  8. 28th International Conference on Metallurgy and Materials - METAL 2019 (Brno, the Czech Republic, 22-24 May 2019). Paper title: Influence of small microscopic grooves of work rolls on strain gradient induced in metal sheets during symmetric and asymmetric rolling (authors: Pustovoytov D.O., Pesin A.M., Lokotunina N.M., Kozhemyakina A.E.). Speaker: Lokotunina N.M. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  9. 13th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes, NUMIFORM 2019 (New Hampshire, USA, 23-27 June 2019). Paper title: Minimization of vertical bending and residual stresses during asymmetric cold rolling of thin strips and sheets (authors: Pustovoytov D.O., Pesin A.M.). Speaker: Pesin A.M. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  10. 4th International Youth Workshop – Magnitogorsk Rolling Practice 2019 (Magnitogorsk, Russia, 04-07 June 2019). Paper title: Finite-element modeling of the strain state of aluminum alloys processed by the method of ARB (author: Biryukova O.D.). Speaker: Biryukova O.D. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  11. 4th International Youth Workshop – Magnitogorsk Rolling Practice 2019 (Magnitogorsk, Russia, 04-07 June 2019). Paper title: Research on dynamic recrystallization softening during a hot upsetting (author: Ishimov A.S.). Speaker: Ishimov A.S. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  12. XXVIII International Materials Research Congress IMRC 2019(Cancun, Mexico, 18-22 August 2019). Paper title: Structural gradient materials processed by severe plastic deformation: processing, microstructure, and mechanical properties. Speaker: Zhilyaev A.P. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  13. The international conference «Advanced Materials Week» (Saint Petersburg, Russia, 17-21 September 2019). Paper title: Heterogeneous microstructure of FCC metals subjected to asymmetric rolling. Speaker: Zhilyaev A.P. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  14. 5thECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference, ECCOMAS YIC 2019 (Krakow, Poland, 1-6 September 2019). Paper title: FEM and comparative analysis of various types of the aluminum alloys intermetallic layer during asymmetric ARB (authors: Biryukova O.D., Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O.). Speaker: Biryukova O.D. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  15. 5thECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference, ECCOMAS YIC 2019 (Krakow, Poland, 1-6 September 2019). Paper title: Development of production technology on a plate mill for large-sized parts with a curved surface (authors: Pustovoytov D.O., Chukin M.V., Pesin I.A.). Speaker: Pesin I.A. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  16. 5thECCOMAS Young Investigators Conference, ECCOMAS YIC 2019 (Krakow, Poland, 1-6 September 2019). Paper title: Computer simulation of micromechanic in pearlitic steel wire drawing (authors: Konstantinov D.V., Korchunov A.G., Pustovoytov D.O.). Speaker: Konstantinov D.V. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  17. International Scientific and Practical Conference “Materials Science and Metallurgical Technologies” (Chelyabinsk, Russia, 1-3 October 2019). Paper title: Application of statistical representation of microstructure during simulation of ferritic-pearlitic steel wire drawing (authors: Konstantinov D.V., Emaleeva D.G., Pesin A.M.). Speaker: Konstantinov D.V. Form of participation: in absence presentation (session paper).
  18. International Scientific and Practical Conference “Materials Science and Metallurgical Technologies” (Chelyabinsk, Russia, 1-3 October 2019). Paper title: Computer simulation of micro-mechanic in pearlitic steel wire drawing (authors: Konstantinov D.V., Zaritsky B.B., Pustovoytov D.O.). Speaker: Konstantinov D.V. Form of participation: in absence presentation (session paper).
  19. International Conference on Lightweight Materials and Manufacture (Changsha, China, 9-12 October 2019). Paper title: Heterogeneous microstructure of FCC metals subjected to asymmetric rolling (authors: Zhilyaev A.P., Pesin A.M., Yu Hailiang). Speaker: Zhilyaev A.P. Form of participation: in-person presentation (plenary paper).
  20. International Conference on Lightweight Materials and Manufacture (Changsha, China, 9-12 October 2019). Paper title: Developing "natural" and heterogeneous composite aluminum alloys with a gradient nanostructure (authors: Zhilyaev A.P., Pesin A.M., Yu Hailiang). Speaker: Pesin A.M. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  21. 4thInternational Conference on Functional Materials and Metallurgy, ICFMM 2019 (Osaka, Japan, 27-30 November 2019). Paper title: Multiscale simulation of the stress-strain state of low carbon steel strip processed by asymmetric rolling (authors: Konstantinov D.V., Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O.). Speaker: Pustovoytov D.O. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  22. 4thInternational Conference on Functional Materials and Metallurgy, ICFMM 2019 (Osaka, Japan, 27-30 November 2019). Paper title: Numerical modeling and development of new technical solutions in metallurgy (authors: Pesin A.M., Tandon P., Pustovoytov D.O., Korchunov A.G., Pesin I.A., Dubey A.). Speaker: Pesin A.M. Form of participation: in-person presentation (invited paper).
  23. 4thInternational Conference on Functional Materials and Metallurgy, ICFMM 2019 (Osaka, Japan, 27-30 November 2019). Paper title: Microstructure and properties formed at different cooling rates of low carbon alloy steel for welding wire production (authors: Koptseva N.V., Efimova Yu.Yu., Chukin M.V., Pesin A.M., Tokareva N.V., Ishimov A.S.). Speaker: Pesin A.M. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  24. 27thInternational Conference on Metallurgy and Materials - METAL 2018 (Brno, Czech Republic, 23-25 May 2018). Paper title: FEM simulation and analysis of temperature rise during asymmetric cryorolling of aluminum alloys with a large strain (authors: Pustovoytov D.O., Pesin A.M., Biryukova O.D.). Speaker: Pesin A.M. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  25. 27thInternational Conference on Metallurgy and Materials - METAL 2018 (Brno, Czech Republic, 23-25 May 2018). Paper title: Modeling and comparison of strain behavior during symmetric and asymmetric accumulative roll bonding of aluminum sheets (authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Biryukova O.D.). Speaker: Pesin A.M. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  26. 13thInternational Conference on Superplasticity in Advanced Materials - ICSAM 2018 (Saint Petersburg, Russia, 19-22 August 2018). Paper title: Modification of the shear-compression specimen and development of a special technique for the physical simulation of asymmetric rolling with a large strain (authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Zhilyaev A.P., Raab G.I.). Speaker: Pesin A.M. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  27. 13thInternational Conference on Superplasticity in Advanced Materials - ICSAM 2018 (Saint Petersburg, Russia, 19-22 August 2018). Paper title: FEM simulation of influence of asymmetric cold rolling on through-thickness strain gradient in low-carbon steel sheets (authors: Pustovoytov D.O., Pesin A.M., Zhilyaev A.P., Raab G.I.). Speaker: Pustovoytov D.O. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  28. 13thInternational Conference on Superplasticity in Advanced Materials - ICSAM 2018 (Saint Petersburg, Russia, 19-22 August 2018). Paper title: Novel method of severe plastic deformation - continuous closed die forging: CP aluminum case study (authors: Alexander P. Zhilyaev, Sandra Rodriguez, Jessica Calvo, José María Cabrera). Speaker: Alexander P. Zhilyaev. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  29. 13thInternational Conference on Superplasticity in Advanced Materials - ICSAM 2018 (Saint Petersburg, Russia, 19-22 August 2018). Paper title: Influence of inhomogeneity on mechanical properties of commercially pure titanium processed by HPT (authors: Alexander P. Zhilyaev, Yi Huang, Jose Maria Cabrera, Terence G. Langdon). Speaker: Alexander P. Zhilyaev Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  30. 17th International Conference on Metal Forming, Metal Forming 2018 (Toyohashi, Japan, 16-19 September 2018). Paper title: Novel technique for physical simulation of asymmetric rolling (authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O.). Speaker: Pesin A.M. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  31. 6th Open Conference School of the CIS countries “Ultra-Fine Grain and Nanostructural Materials – UFGNM 2018” (Ufa, Russia, 1-5 October 2018).Paper title: Gradient structure formation in the process of severe plastic deformation of carbon steels under the conditions of the effect of dynamic strain aging (authors: Raab G.I., Kodirov I.S., Aleshin G.N., Raab A.G., Tsenev N.K.). Speaker: Raab A.G. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  32. 6th Open Conference School of the CIS countries “Ultra-Fine Grain and Nanostructural Materials – UFGNM 2018” (Ufa, Russia, 1-5 October 2018).Paper title: The effect of speed asymmetry on the strain state in aluminium bimetals during accumulative rolling (authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Biryukova O.D.). Speaker: Biryukova O.D. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  33. 3rd International Youth Workshop – Magnitogorsk Rolling Practice 2018 (Magnitogorsk, Russia, 05-08 June 2018).Paper title: Study on a deformed state of 1070, 2024 and 5083 aluminum alloys during asymmetric and pack rolling by a FEM method (authors: Biryukova O.D., Shveeva T.V.). Speaker: Biryukova O.D. Form of participation: in-person presentation (session paper).
  34. 6thInternational Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects, EFRE-2018 (Tomsk, Russia, 16-22 September 2018). Paper title: Effect of nitriding in a glow discharge with a magnetic field on the microhardness of 08Х18Н10Т steel (authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Vafin R.K., Asylbaev A.V.). Form of participation: in absence presentation (session paper).
  35. 6thInternational Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects, EFRE-2018 (Tomsk, Russia, 16-22 September 2018). Paper title: The phase composition of tool steels after nitriding by glow discharge in the magnetic field (authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Vafin R.K., Asylbaev A.V.). Form of participation: in absence presentation (session paper).
  36. 6thInternational Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects, EFRE-2018 (Tomsk, Russia, 16-22 September 2018). Paper title: Research and development of anti-adhesive coatings deposited by vacuum-arc discharge plasma (authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Vafin R.K., Vardanyan E.L., Asylbaev A.V., Nazarov A.Yu., Nagimov R.Sh.). Form of participation: in absence presentation (session paper).
  37. 6thInternational Congress on Energy Fluxes and Radiation Effects, EFRE-2018 (Tomsk, Russia, 16-22 September 2018). Paper title: Influence of the magnetic field at ion nitriding in the glow discharge on the microhardness of steel AISI 321 (authors: Vafin R.K., Asylbaev A.V., Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O.). Form of participation: in absence presentation (session paper).
  38. Scientific Workshop at College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Central South University (Changsha, China, 07 November 2018).Paper title: New technical solutions in metallurgy (authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O.). Speaker: Pesin A.M. Form of participation: in-person presentation (invited paper).
  39. Scientific Workshop at College of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Central South University (Changsha, China, 07 November 2018).Paper title: Development of theory and technology of the process of asymmetric rolling as a method of severe plastic deformation (authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O.). Speaker: Pustovoytov D.O. Form of participation: in-person presentation (invited paper).
  40. 7thBaosteel Biennial Academic Conference, Baosteel BAC 2018 (Shanghai, China, 30-31 October 2018). Paper title: Special rolling technologies: developments and new solutions (authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O.). Speaker: Pesin A.M. Form of participation: in-person presentation (invited paper).

The grants received for the reporting period in the field of the research headed by the members of the research team

  1. Development and theoretical and experimental study on new methods of severe plastic deformation to produce metallic nanostructured sheets of higher strength
  • Grant amount (thousand RUB): 10,600;
  • Project completion period: 13.04.18 – 31.12.19;
  • Name of the organization/foundation awarding the grant: Russian Science Foundation;
  • Full name of the project manager for the awarded grant: Alexander Moiseevich Pesin;
  • Names of the members of the research team performing work under the project for the awarded grant: Pustovoytov D.O., Lokotunina N.M., Biryukova O.D., Kozhemyakina A.E., Gubanov S.A.;
  • Name and details of the confirming documents: Agreement No. 15-19-10030-P dated 13.04.2018.
  1. Numerical simulation and development of new hybrid methods of processing geometrically-complex parts from ultra-high strength materials
  • Grant amount (thousand RUB): 1200;
  • Project completion period: 10.07.18 – 02.07.19;
  • Name of the organization/foundation awarding the grant: Russian Foundation for Basic Research;
  • Full name of the project manager for the awarded grant: Alexander Moiseevich Pesin;
  • Names of the members of the research team performing work under the project for the awarded grant: Pustovoytov D.O., Lokotunina N.M., Pesin I.A.;
  • Name and details of the confirming documents: Contract No. 18-58-45013\18 dated 10.07.2018.
  1. Development of scientific and technological framework used to produce high-strength ultra-fine grain aluminum alloys, having composite structures
  • Grant amount (thousand RUB): 1200;
  • Project completion period: 16.11.18 – 30.11.19;
  • Name of the organization/foundation awarding the grant: Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation;
  • Full name of the project manager for the awarded grant: Denis Olegovich Pustovoytov;
  • Names of the members of the research team performing work under the project for the awarded grant: Biryukova O.D.;
  • Name and details of the confirming documents: Agreement No. 075-02-2018-347 dated 16.11.2018.

Results of intellectual activities for 2018-2019:

  1. RF Patent No.2677196 IPC C22F 1/047; C22C 21/06. Method for producing sheets from aluminum-magnesium alloys. Authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Lokotunina N.M. Application: 2018109392, 16.03.2018. Published on 15.01.2019. Bul. No.2. Patent holder: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University.
  2. RF Patent No.2699432 IPC B21B 1/28. Method for asymmetric cryorolling. Authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Biryukova O.D., Kozhemyakina A.E. Application: 2019100866, 15.01.2019. Published on 05.09.2019. Bul. No.25. Patent holder: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University.
  3. RF Patent No.2699473 IPC B21B 1/28. Method for producing cold rolled strips. Authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Lokotunina N.M., Biryukova O.D. Application: 2019101176, 17.01.2019. Published on 05.09.2019. Bul. No.25. Patent holder: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University.
  4. RF Patent No.2701322 IPC B21B 1/22. Method for producing thin strips. Authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Lokotunina N.M., Kozhemyakina A.E. Application: 2019101094, 16.01.2019. Published on 26.09.2019. Bul. No.27. Patent holder: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University.
  5. RF Patent No.2701324 IPC B21B 13/00. Fixed deformation element. Authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Chikishev D.N., Kozhemyakina A.E. Application: 2019101231, 17.01.2019. Published on 26.09.2019 Bul. No.27. Patent holder: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University.
  6. Certificate No.2018663078 of registration of the computer program. Program for calculating changes in strip thickness, when rolling with tension in a continuous subgroup of stands. Authors: Khramshin V.R., Zakirova R.A. Application date: 04.10.2018. Publication date: 19.10.2018. Bul. No.10. Copyright owner: Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University.
  7. Application for invention No.2019136176 dated 12.11.2019 Method for producing high-precision rolled sections (authors: Pesin A.M., Kharitonov V.A., Drigun E.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Lokotunina N.M., Tandon Puneet, Yu Hailiang).
  8. Application for invention No.2019141341 dated 11.12.2019 Method for surface treatment of solids of revolution (authors: Pesin A.M., Kharitonov V.A., Drigun E.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Lokotunina N.M., Tandon Puneet, Yu Hailiang).
  9. Application for invention No.2019141343 dated 11.12.2019 Method for producing polygonal cold-drawn steel products (authors: Pesin A.M., Kharitonov V.A., Drigun E.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Lokotunina N.M., Tandon Puneet, Yu Hailiang).
  10. Application for invention No.2019141345 dated 11.12.2019 Method for producing sized hexagonal sections from stainless steels (authors: Pesin A.M., Kharitonov V.A., Drigun E.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Lokotunina N.M., Tandon Puneet, Yu Hailiang).

Based on the results of studies in 2019 we submitted 4 patent applications for Eurasian patents for invention (applications submitted under the international procedure):

  • Eurasian patent application No.201900582 dated 27.12.2019. Method for asymmetric cryorolling (authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Biryukova O.D., Kozhemyakina A.E.).
  • Eurasian patent application No.201900583 dated 27.12.2019. Method for producing thin strips (authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Lokotunina N.M., Kozhemyakina A.E.).
  • Eurasian patent application No.201900581 dated 27.12.2019. Method for producing cold rolled strips (authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Lokotunina N.M., Biryukova O.D.).
  • Eurasian patent application No.201900580 dated 27.12.2019. Fixed deformation element (authors: Pesin A.M., Pustovoytov D.O., Chikishev D.N., Kozhemyakina A.E.).

